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Start your Investment Journey

Basics of Investment Planning

What is the investment process?

Investment process means a series of steps taken to construct and manage your portfolio. 


There are six steps in investment planning process:-

a) Determine what are your objectives
b) Decide a value for your objectives 
c) Conduct security analysis :
     a. Technical Analysis
     b. Fundamental Analysis
d) Construct the Portfolio 
e) Evaluate the Portfolio
f) Revision of the Portfolio

What are the factors that determine / affect your investment capability?

a) Family Information  - no of earning members, no of dependent members , life expectancy 
b) Personal information – age , employability , nature of job , psyche
c) Financial information – capital base , regularity of income (regular or contractual job)
d) Present worth- amount of assets already created and any liabilities undertaken
like any loans
e) Past investment experience (if any)


In short, it can be said that your risk appetite determines or affects your investment profile.  

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